巴拿马主机商panamaserver宣布“bare-metal-server”开始上线售卖,在此之前已经有虚拟主机、VPS(OpenVZ+KVM)在卖了;之所以介绍panamaserver的机器,大家都知道巴拿马可以用来做啥,对吧?对于巴拿马商家运作的巴拿马机房的业务来说,DMCA可以视如无物;很多巴拿马商家都是这么描述DMCA的:DMCA is not a panamanian regulation so immediate suspension or termination WILL NOT be executed upon the receiving of a DMCA complaint. Any website takedown notice that are not processed via Panamanian Authorities will be discarded. External linked content is not considered to be hosted in our servers or network and the complainer should contact the abuse team of the involved external provider.(大致意思吧:DMCA,这玩意不是巴拿马的法律法规,收到有关DMCA的投诉之后我们是不会那么积极鸟那些个投诉的;非巴拿马当局下的执行删除有关DMCA内容的命令都会被无视。外部链接的内容,你要投诉你去找那个帮你存储托管内容的商家,不关老子的事儿)






CPU 内存 SSD HDD 价格 购买
E3-1220 8G 120G 1T(万转) $200/月 链接
E3-1220 10G 240G 1T(万转) $250/月 链接
E3-1220 32G 480G 2T(7.2K) $350/月 链接
