Ever find yourself thinking about how the Universe came to be, or how humans have evolved to their current level of intelligence, or just why that certain song tugs at your heartstrings? Self-professed wonder junkie Jason Silva has a new video series that feature his reflections on the human condition, the nature of what it means to be alive, and the role of philosophy in everyday life.

Called “Shots of Awe” these under three-minute videos are what Silva calls “inspired nuggets of techno-rapture,” and every week can provide a nudge to contemplate your life; whether it be to look at the complex systems of society, technology, or the beauty of nature and science.

Hang on, though; Silva’s faster-than-thought dialogue takes you for a ride that might leave you spinning … but in a good way!

There are new episodes every Tuesday and below is today’s newest, titled “Singularity.”

Hosted on Discovery’s TestTube network, you can subscribe on YouTube here.
