The equatorial circumference of Saturn is 378,675 km (or 235,298 miles). Not that it’s actually possible, but if you wanted to drive your car around Saturn’s equator, that’s how far you’d have to travel. Just for comparison, the equatorial circumference of Earth is 40,075 km, so Saturn’s circumference is 9.4 times larger than the Earth.

Want to make the calculation for yourself? Well, the formula for calculating the circumference of a circle is 2 x pi x r, where R is the radius of the circle. The equatorial radius of Saturn is 60,268 km, so you can do the math yourself.

Of course, Saturn isn’t the largest planet in the Solar System, that’s Jupiter. Jupiter’s circumference is 449,197 km, or 1.19 times bigger than Saturn. And the largest object in the Solar System is the Sun, with an equatorial circumference of 4,379,000 km. That’s 11.56 times bigger than Saturn.

We’ve written many articles about Saturn for Universe Today. Here’s an article about what Saturn’s rings are made of, and here’s an article about how many moons Saturn has.

If you’d like more info on Saturn, check out Hubblesite’s News Releases about Saturn. And here’s a link to the homepage of NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, which is orbiting Saturn.

We’ve also recorded an episode of Astronomy Cast all about Saturn. Listen here, Episode 59: Saturn.
