In business, the term “long tail” was invented by Chris Anderson in 2004 and referred to the strategy of Ecommerce retailers that were selling several highly popular products as well as a lot of products with low demand. The point of this long-tail marketing is that a lot of products with low demand collectively gain market share that ends up larger than bestselling products. Competition for these products is less and the aggregate demand is so big that it brings good profits. The only issue is that you need to run a large store to stock all those products. Therefore, this concept has more chance for success on the Internet where you don’t need to maintain a shop facility.

In search engine marketing, this term is used relating to keywords. Long-tail keywords are keywords with low search volume. Although each long-tail keyword doesn’t bring much traffic, the combined traffic for a large number of such keywords in many cases exceeds the traffic for high volume keywords.

Besides that, the promotion for long-tail keywords is much easier and often doesn’t require any additional activities except a one-time onsite optimization for those particular keywords. Additional advantages of these types of keywords is that they are very specific and usually drive highly targeted visitors that are ready to order your product or service.

Long-tail promotion is less efficient for many niches of smaller projects with 1-2 products or services, but it works great for large Ecommerce and content websites since it brings the most traffic.

If you want to try this strategy for your website, you should start with long-tail keyword research. It can be done in many ways and the whole process looks similar to an ordinary keyword research process. Anyway, do not stick to just one source of long-tail keywords and use several methods for finding them. So you have at least the following options:

Buy some keyword database containing information on all possible variations of keywords for your niche. Such databases don’t cost much but can considerably help you in your keyword research. Note, though, that you should be careful here and thoroughly check at least some part of the database before purchasing. Check how recent and comprehensive the data is. If you feel it’s reasonable, you can purchase several databases and merge them to get a comprehensive long-tail keyword list.

Use a keyword tool as a long tail keyword generator. There are many free and paid solutions available on the market. The only method here is investing some time in trying them and checking what solution best suits your needs.

Use Semrush as a long tail keyword tool. For instance, let’s check the term “Internet marketing” with Semrush. Within the Phrase Match Report, you will get over 1,300 combinations containing the phrase “Internet marketing” in an exact match. For your convenience, you can export this report in a very convenient format and sort all keywords by search volume to get a long-tail keyword list.

Synonyms are very important in SEO. Therefore, a Related Keywords Report is also worth checking. Further, with the keywords “Internet marketing,” this report provides over 2,200 search queries and it can give you some hints for synonyms to cover additional segments of your targeted audience.

Use Google services: Google suggests, Google Related Terms, Google Insights. This is another great way to find long-tail keywords for your website.

Regardless of what option you prefer, long-tail keyword research is not a one-time process. This is something that should be done periodically because any language is dynamic and changes over time.
