Update: Please read this post for more information about n/a or 0 results in SEOquake.

Whenever you navigate to any page, you will notice at the top of your browser a title for that page. You will usually see this displayed within the tab itself in your browser. This is the headline used to describe the page itself. Even when search engines index a page, they refer to the title tag to determine what the focus of a page is along with what key terms the search engine should highlight in organic results.

When these search engines analyze a page, they look for if certain key phrases mentioned in the title tag that are also prevalent throughout other page elements such as headers and meta descriptions.

This is why when it comes to getting your landing pages ranked higher, your title tags must properly reflect the content being displayed on the given page.

You wouldn’t want to title your page “Best Restaurants in Philadelphia” if you are discussing your favorite music on the page itself. Although that is an extreme example, the same concept applies.

By being as specific as possible with your title tag, it will make your landing page look that much better to the search engines. The title tag also plays an important role in how your landing page appears in SERPs. The text appearing in the hyperlink on a SERP is the title tag, so it is important to create an enticing title to make people want to click over to your website.

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SEOquake makes managing your title tag simple using the Diagnosis tool. Start by going to the particular page you would like to audit. Once you are on the page, open SEOquake by clicking the icon in your browser and choosing the Diagnosis tab (If you do not have SEOquake, you can download it here).

You will then notice a new tab open auditing the page you were on.The second check listed will be for your title tag. You will either notice a red caution icon if there is an error, a blue horn icon for a warning and a green checkmark if the check has passed.

Now there may come a time where this check shows up as an error. Here are a few keys to fixing your title tags to optimize your pages the most.

Include Your Main Keywords In The Title Tag

Screen Shot 2016-02-09 at 4.17.31 PMWhat ever the keywords are that youare focusing on for a particular page, make sure to include these in your title tag. This will assist giving the search engine a better idea of what your page is really about.

Not too sure what your main keywords are? The “Density” tab within SEOquake will examine landing pages and determine which keywords show up the most. Once you are on this Keyword Density report, you will notice the “Found In” column which will display where these keywords exist on the landing page, whether they be in the meta description, meta keywords, title or headers.

Use The Same Keywords In Your Title Tags In Your Headers

If there are even two or three keywords your landing page is focusing on, make sure to include these in both the title tag and the headers of your page. This puts more emphasis on these keywords and tells the search engines that you are truly focused on your target keywords.

Be Original

Try not to use the same style or same message on every page. Each page should be unique providing different information to the browser. Each landing page essentially focuses on one area, so your title tags should reflect that as well.

Limit The Size Of Your Title Tag

The most effective title tags are around 10-70 characters long. These include spaces so keep this in mind when coming up with your Title Tags. If it is too long, the title tag will be cut off from the display not revealing the full message.

Rely on Data To Reveal Your Strongest Title Tags

Some title tags are going to work better than others. This is why it is important to monitor your internal analytics and conversion rates to determine what is working for you and what is failing to convert.

These key points will greatly help you when trying to formulate your title tags. You will also want to make sure to monitor your pages to determine the best title tags for your pages. One method you used for a particular page may work for another page that is failing to convert.

SEOquake will help give you this quick and easy info for whatever page you are visiting. However, if you would like to analyze an entire site, you will want to use our Site Audit tool that will provide you with the data you need to improve the overall health of your site. Haven’t used it? Try it out today!

Have you used SEOquake for this feature yet? Is there another feature within SEOquake that you have taken advantage of? Feel free to let us know in the comments below!

If you still have questions about any of this information, please feel free to reach out to our Customer Success Team at: (855) 814-4510 or by email at mail@semrush.com. You can also contact us on Twitter by using the #semrushcare hashtag.
