Once a week or so, we try to organize a giveaway for Universe Today readers with various sponsors. Sometimes it’s books, clothing, DVDs, apps or tickets to space-related stuff.

Entering the giveaways is easy. All you have to do is enter your email address into the box at the bottom of the giveaway and you’re entered. This also adds you to our giveaway email mailing list. Whenever we’ve got a new giveaway, you can click a single link and be entered into the new giveaway (and you can unsubscribe any time).

Don’t worry if you live outside of the US, almost all our giveaways are world wide.

Here’s a list of our active giveaways right now.


What’s the catch?
Are you a skeptical person, overwhelmed with SPAM, and looking for the catch?

I can respect that.

Companies looking to promote their latest books, movies, etc, send me free stuff all the time. It fills my bookshelves and I never have time to use it all. Instead of hoarding it myself, I’d rather just reward Universe Today readers with free stuff.

Companies are able to promote their new space-related products to you; you have a chance to win free stuff; I get to clean out my bookshelves. Win-win-win.

Have something to giveaway?
Have you got something you’d like to give away to the millions of Universe Today readers? Drop me an email at [email protected] and we’ll get something organized.

We’ll also review stuff, like books, DVDs, movies, telescopes, etc.

P.S. Obviously, I promise promise to never use this list for evil. The emails contain giveaway offers and occasional Universe Today announcements.
