It’s time for another Weekly Space Hangout, where a dedicated team of space journalists run down all the big stories in space and astronomy for the week of July 26, 2013.
Host: Fraser Cain
Panel: Jason Major, Scott Lewis, David Dickinson
Astrological Sign of the Royal Baby
Cosmos Trailer Showcased at Comiccon
Asteroid 2003 DZ15 Close Pass on Monday
Comet ISON Image with Galaxies
Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower
Pale Blue Dot II
Apollo 11 Anniversary
Some Success with the Kepler Recovery
We record the Weekly Space Hangout live as a Google+ Hangout on Air every Friday at Noon Pacific, 3:00 pm Eastern. You can watch the show live on Google+, or here on Universe Today. But you can also watch the archive after the fact, if live video isn’t your thing.