Here’s the May 3, 2012 edition of the Weekly Space Hangout, where we were joined by our usual cast of space journalists, including Alan Boyle, Nicole Gugliucci, Ian O’Neill, Jason Major, Emily Lakdawalla and Fraser Cain. We were then joined by two new people, Amy Shira Teitel from Vintage Space and Sawyer Rosenstein from the Talking Space Podcast.

It was an action-packed episode talking about asteroid mining, SpaceX delays, Shuttle retirement, killer black holes, supermassive planets (aka brown dwarfs), Enceladus/Dione flybys, and a new mission to Jupiter.

Want to watch an episode live? We record the Weekly Space Hangout every Thursday at 10:00am PDT, 1:00pm EDT. The live show will appear in Fraser’s Google+ stream, or on our YouTube Channel. You can also watch it live over on
