Whether you’re still learning Javascript or are an advanced developer, it can be helpful to keep a reference sheet for common JavaScript commands. We’ve compiled a downloadable JavaScript cheat sheet to keep near your desk.
But first, let’s recap what JavaScript is and how it works.
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript is a programming language used to create interactive elements of a website, like maps, scrolling videos, and animation. It works in tandem with other coding languages, like HTML and CSS.
What is the Difference Between JavaScript, HTML, and CSS?
JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are all programming languages with major differences:
- HTML is the language used to define text and headings, as well as embed images on a webpage.
- CSS is the language used to apply styling to the HTML content, like colors and fonts.
- JavaScript is the language that creates interactive and dynamic content like moving graphics, maps, scrolling videos, and more.
Where JavaScript Sits on Your Website
JavaScript sits in the HTML of your webpages. It needs to be bookended by <script> tags. For example:
<script type="text/javascript">
//JS code goes here
You can also add your JavaScript to a file and link to it within your HTML code. This form of linking, referred to sometimes as “linking JavaScript externally,” helps you keep track of your code.
How to Write JavaScript
There are categories of JavaScript code, including:
- Variables: A variable is an element that can vary (i.e. a data value that can be changed.)
- Operators: As with other programming languages, an operator operates single or multiple data values to produce a result.
- Functions: A function takes an input and produces a related output. This is usually a set of statements that performs a task to produce a result.
- Loops: This loops a block of code until certain conditions are met.
- If – Else Statements: Like a flowchart, If-Else Statements run blocks of code if certain conditions are true. If the conditions are false, another block of code is run.
- Strings: Strings are a way to store text. In strings, the first character is 0, the second character is 1, the third character is 2, and so on.
- Regular Expressions: Also called a rational expression, a regular expression is a string of characters in a pattern used to match character combinations.
- Numbers and Math: Numbers and Math are static properties for mathematical constants and functions.
- Dates: As the name suggests, dates in JavaScript are a moment in time that can be as specific as a particular millisecond on any particular day.
- DOM Node: A DOM node is a way to allow JavaScript to dynamically update the content of a page.
- Events: An event is any change or update to the webpage that occurs as of JavaScript code being run.
JavaScript Command Cheat Sheet
When working with JavaScript, try our complete ‘cheat sheet’ of JavaScript commands.
These are elements that can vary, which can include variables, data types, and arrays.
var |
The most common variable. Var variables move to the top when code is executed |
const |
A variable that cannot be reassigned and is not accessible before they appear within the code |
let |
The let variable can be reassigned but not re-declared |
var age = 23 |
Numbers |
var x |
Variables |
var a = “init” |
Text (strings) |
var b = 1 + 2 + 3 |
Operations |
var c = true |
True or false statements |
const PI = 3.14 |
Constant numbers |
var name = {firstName:”John”, lastName:”Doe”} |
Objects |
concat() |
Join several arrays into one |
indexOf() |
Returns the first position at which a given element appears in an array |
join() |
Combine elements of an array into a single string and return the string |
lastIndexOf() |
Gives the last position at which a given element appears in an array |
pop() |
Removes the last element of an array |
push() |
Add a new element at the end |
reverse() |
Reverse the order of the elements in an array |
shift() |
Remove the first element of an array |
slice() |
Pulls a copy of a portion of an array into a new array of 4 24 |
sort() |
Sorts elements alphabetically |
splice() |
Adds elements in a specified way and position |
toString() |
Converts elements to strings |
unshift() |
Adds a new element to the beginning |
valueOf() |
Returns the primitive value of the specified object |
These are single or multiple data values used to produce a result, including Basic Operators, Comparison Operators, Logical Operators, and Bitwise Operators.
(plus sign) + |
Addition |
– |
Subtraction |
* |
Multiplication |
/ |
Division |
(..) Grouping operator |
Grouping operator |
% |
Remainder |
(two plus signs) ++ |
Increment numbers |
— |
Decrement numbers |
( 2 equal signs) == |
Equal to |
(3 equal signs) === |
Equal value and equal type |
!= |
Not equal |
!== |
Not equal value or not equal type |
> |
Greater than |
< |
Less than |
>= |
Greater than or equal to |
<= |
Less than or equal to |
? |
Ternary operator |
&& |
Logical and |
!! |
Logical or |
! |
Logical not |
& |
AND statement |
| |
OR statement |
~ |
^ |
<< |
Left shift |
>> |
Right shift |
>>> |
Zero fill right shift |
These perform a task to produce a related output, including Outputting Data and Global Functions.
alert() |
An alert box is displayed with an OK button |
confirm() |
Displays a message box with ok/cancel options |
console.log() |
Writes information to the browser |
document.write() |
Write directly to the HTML document |
prompt() |
A pop up box that needs user input |
decodeURI() |
Decodes a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) created by encodeURI |
decodeURIComponent() |
Decodes a URI component |
encodeURI() |
Encodes a URI into UTF-8 |
encodeURIComponent() |
Encodes a URI using numbers to represent letters |
eval() |
Evaluates JavaScript code represented as a string |
isFinite() |
Determines whether a passed value is a finite number |
isNaN() |
Determines whether a value is NaN or not |
Number() |
Returns a number converted from its argument |
parseFloat() |
Parses an argument and returns a floating point number |
parseInt() |
Parses its argument and returns an integer |
These occur until certain conditions are met.
for |
The most common way to create a loop in JavaScript |
while |
Sets up conditions for a loop |
do-while |
Checks once again to see if the conditions are met |
break |
Stops the loop cycle if conditions aren’t met |
continue |
Skip parts of the loop if conditions are met |
If – Else Statements
These are designed to run blocks of code if certain conditions are met.
if (condition) {//} |
If a condition is met do this |
} else {//} |
If a condition is not met do this |
These store text and include escape characters and string methods.
\’ |
Single quote |
\” |
Double quote |
\\ |
Backslash |
\b |
Backspace |
\f |
Form feed |
\n |
Newline |
\r |
Carriage return |
\t |
Horizontal tabulator |
\v |
Vertical tabulator |
charAt() |
Returns a character at a specified position |
charCodeAt() |
Gives you the unicode of character at a specified position |
concat() |
Joins multiple strings together |
fromCharCode() |
Converts UTF-16 unicode values to characters |
indexOf() |
Returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified element |
lastIndexOf() |
Returns the position of the last occurrence of a specified element |
match() |
Returns any matches of a string |
replace() |
Find and replace specific text |
search() |
Searches for text and returns its position |
slice() |
Extracts a section of a string and returns it |
split() |
Splits a string into substrings and returns it at a specified position |
substr() |
Extracts a string and returns it at a specified position |
substring() |
Excluding negative indices, splits a string into substrings and returns it at a specified position |
toLowerCase() |
Convert to lowercase |
toUpperCase() |
Convert to uppercase |
valueOf() |
Returns the primitive value of a string object |
Regular Expressions
These are patterns, including pattern modifiers, brackets, metacharacters, and quantifiers.
e |
Evaluate replacement |
i |
Perform case-insensitive matching |
g |
Perform global matching |
m |
Perform multiple line matching |
s |
Treat strings as a single line |
x |
Allow comments and whitespace in pattern |
U |
Non Greedy pattern |
[abc] |
Find any of the characters between the brackets |
[^abc] |
Find any character not in the brackets |
[0-9] |
Used to find any digit from 0 to 9 |
[A-z] |
Find any character from uppercase A to lowercase z |
(a|b|c) |
Find any of the alternatives separated with | |
. |
Find a single character, except newline or line terminator |
\w |
Word character |
\W |
Non-word character |
\d |
A digit |
\D |
A non-digit character |
\s |
Whitespace character |
\S |
Non-whitespace character |
\b |
Find a match at the beginning/end of a word |
\B |
A match not at the beginning/end of a word |
\0 |
NUL character |
\n |
A new line character |
\f |
Form feed character |
\r |
Carriage return character |
\t |
Tab character |
\v |
Vertical tab character |
\xxx |
The character specified by an octal number xxx |
\xdd |
The character specified by a hexadecimal number dd |
\uxxxx |
The Unicode character specified by a hexadecimal number xxxx |
n+ |
Matches any string that contains at least one n |
Numbers and Maths
These are mathematical functions, including number properties, number methods, math properties, and math methods.
The maximum numeric value representable in JavaScript |
Smallest positive numeric value representable in JavaScript |
NaN |
The “Not-a-Number” value |
The negative Infinity value |
Positive Infinity value |
toExponential() |
Returns a string with a rounded number written as exponential notation |
toFixed() |
Returns the string of a number with a specified number of decimals |
toPrecision() |
A string of a number written with a specified length |
toString() |
Returns a number as a string |
valueOf() |
Returns a number as a number |
E |
Euler’s number |
LN2 |
The natural logarithm of 2 |
LN10 |
Natural logarithm of 10 |
Base 2 logarithm of E |
LOG10E |
Base 10 logarithm of E |
PI |
The number PI |
SQRT1_2 |
The square root of 1/2 |
The square root of 2 |
abs(x) |
Returns the absolute (positive) value of x |
These include specific points in time and include setting dates, and pulling date and time values, and set part of a date.
tan(x) |
The tangent of an angle |
Date() |
Creates a new date object with the current date and time |
Date(2017, 5, 21, 3, 23, 10, 0) |
Create a custom date object. The numbers represent year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, milliseconds. You can omit anything you want except for year and month. |
Date(“2017-06-23”) |
Date declaration as a string |
getDate() |
Get the day of the month as a number (1-31) |
getDay() |
The weekday as a number (0-6) |
getFullYear() |
Year as a four digit number (yyyy) |
getHours() |
Get the hour (0-23) |
getMilliseconds() |
The millisecond (0-999) |
getMinutes() |
Get the minute (0-59) |
getMonth() |
Month as a number (0-11) |
getSeconds() |
Get the second (0-59) |
getTime() |
Get the milliseconds since January 1, 1970 |
getUTCDate() |
The day (date) of the month in the specified date according to universal time (also available for day, month, full year, hours, minutes etc.) |
parse |
Parses a string representation of a date, and returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 |
setDate() |
Set the day as a number (1-31) |
setFullYear() |
Sets the year (optionally month and day) |
setHours() |
Set the hour (0-23) |
setMilliseconds() |
Set milliseconds (0-999) |
setMinutes() |
Sets the minutes (0-59) |
setMonth() |
Set the month (0-11) |
setSeconds() |
Sets the seconds (0-59) |
setTime() |
Set the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970) |
setUTCDate() |
Sets the day of the month for a specified date according to universal time (also available for day, month, full year, hours, minutes etc.) |
DOM Node
This allows JavaScript to update the web page and include node properties, node methods, and element methods.
attributes |
Returns a live collection of all attributes registered to and element |
baseURI |
Provides the absolute base URL of an HTML element |
childNodes |
Gives a collection of an element’s child nodes |
firstChild |
Returns the first child node of an element |
lastChild |
The last child node of an element |
nextSibling |
Gives you the next node at the same node tree level |
nodeName |
Returns the name of a node |
nodeType |
Returns the type of a node |
nodeValue |
Sets or returns the value of a node |
ownerDocument |
The top-level document object for this node |
parentNode |
Returns the parent node of an element |
previousSibling |
Returns the node immediately preceding the current one |
textContent |
Sets or returns the textual content of a node and its descendants |
appendChild() |
Adds a new child node to an element as the last child node |
cloneNode() |
Clones a HTML element |
compareDocumentPosition() |
Compares the document position of two elements |
getFeature() |
Returns an object which implements the APIs of a specified feature |
hasAttributes() |
Returns true if an element has any attributes, otherwise false |
hasChildNodes() |
Returns true if an element has any child nodes, otherwise false |
insertBefore() |
Inserts a new child node before a specified, existing child node |
isDefaultNamespace() |
Returns true if a specified namespaceURI is the default, otherwise false |
isEqualNode() |
Checks if two elements are equal |
isSameNode() |
Checks if two elements are the same node |
isSupported() |
Returns true if a specified feature is supported on the element |
lookupNamespaceURI() |
Returns the namespaceURI associated with a given node |
lookupPrefix() |
Returns a DOMString containing the prefix for a given namespaceURI, if present |
normalize() |
Joins adjacent text nodes and removes empty text nodes in an element |
removeChild() |
Removes a child node from an element |
replaceChild() |
Replaces a child node in an element |
getAttribute() |
Returns the specified attribute value of an element node |
getAttributeNS() |
Returns string value of the attribute with the specified namespace and name |
getAttributeNode() |
Gets the specified attribute node |
getAttributeNodeNS() |
Returns the attribute node for the attribute with the given namespace and name |
getElementsByTagName() |
Provides a collection of all child elements with the specified tag name |
getElementsByTagNameNS() |
Returns a live HTMLCollection of elements with a certain tag name belonging to the given namespace |
hasAttribute() |
Returns true if an element has any attributes, otherwise false |
hasAttributeNS() |
Provides a true/false value indicating whether the current element in a given namespace has the specified attribute |
removeAttribute() |
Removes a specified attribute from an element |
removeAttributeNS() |
Removes the specified attribute from an element within a certain namespace |
removeAttributeNode() |
Takes away a specified attribute node and returns the removed node |
setAttribute() |
Sets or changes the specified attribute to a specified value |
setAttributeNS() |
Adds a new attribute or changes the value of an attribute with the given namespace and name |
setAttributeNode() |
Sets or changes the specified attribute node |
setAttributeNodeNS() |
Adds a new namespaced attribute node to an element |
These are the updates caused by JavaScript code and include mouse, keyboard, frame, form, drag, clipboard, media, animation, and other.
onclick |
The event occurs when the user clicks on an element |
oncontextmenu |
User right-clicks on an element to open a context menu |
ondblclick |
The user double-clicks on an element |
onmousedown |
The user presses a mouse button over an element |
onmouseenter |
The pointer moves onto an element |
onmouseleave |
The pointer moves out of an element |
onmousemove |
The pointer is moving while it is over an element |
onmouseover |
When the pointer is moved onto an element or one of its children |
onmouseout |
The user moves the mouse pointer out of an element or one of its children |
onmouseup |
The user releases a mouse button while over an element |
onkeydown |
When the user is pressing a key down |
onkeypress |
The moment the user starts pressing a key |
onkeyup |
The user releases a key |
onabort |
The loading of a media is aborted |
onbeforeunload |
Event occurs before the document is about to be unloaded |
onerror |
An error occurs while loading an external file |
onhashchange |
There have been changes to the anchor part of a URL |
onload |
When an object has loaded |
onpagehide |
The user navigates away from a webpage |
onpageshow |
When the user navigates to a webpage |
onresize |
The document view is resized |
onscroll |
An element’s scrollbar is being scrolled |
onunload |
Event occurs when a page has unloaded |
onblur |
When an element loses focus |
onchange |
The content of a form element changes (for <input>, <select>and <textarea>) |
onfocus |
An element gets focus |
onfocusin |
When an element is about to get focus |
onfocusout |
The element is about to lose focus |
oninput |
User input on an element |
oninvalid |
An element is invalid |
onreset |
A form is reset |
onsearch |
The user writes something in a search field (for <input=”search”>) |
onselect |
The user selects some text (for <input> and <textarea>) |
onsubmit |
A form is submitted |
ondrag |
An element is dragged |
ondragend |
The user has finished dragging the element |
ondragenter |
The dragged element enters a drop target |
ondragleave |
A dragged element leaves the drop target |
ondragover |
The dragged element is on top of the drop target |
ondragstart |
User starts to drag an element |
ondrop |
Dragged element is dropped on the drop target |
oncopy |
User copies the content of an element |
oncut |
The user cuts an element’s content |
onpaste |
A user pastes content in an element |
onabort |
Media loading is aborted |
oncanplay |
The browser can start playing media (e.g. a file has buffered enough) |
oncanplaythrough |
When browser can play through media without stopping |
ondurationchange |
The duration of the media changes |
onended |
The media has reached its end |
onerror |
Happens when an error occurs while loading an external file |
onloadeddata |
Media data is loaded |
onloadedmetadata |
Meta Metadata (like dimensions and duration) are loaded |
onloadstart |
The browser starts looking for specified media |
onpause |
Media is paused either by the user or automatically |
onplay |
The media has been started or is no longer paused |
onplaying |
Media is playing after having been paused or stopped for buffering |
onprogress |
Browser is in the process of downloading the media |
onratechange |
The playing speed of the media changes |
onseeked |
The user is finished moving/skipping to a new position in the media |
onseeking |
The user starts moving/skipping |
onstalled |
The browser is trying to load the media but it is not available |
onsuspend |
Browser is intentionally not loading media |
ontimeupdate |
The playing position has changed (e.g. because of fast forward) |
onvolumechange |
Media volume has changed (including mute) |
onwaiting |
Media paused but expected to resume (for example, buffering) |
animationend |
A CSS animation is complete |
animationiteration |
CSS animation is repeated |
animationstart |
CSS animation has started |
transitionend |
Fired when a CSS transition has been completed |
onmessage |
A message is received through the event source |
onoffline |
The browser starts to work offline |
ononline |
The browser starts to work online |
onpopstate |
When the window’s history changes |
onshow |
An <menu> element is shown as a context menu |
onstorage |
A Web Storage area is updated |
ontoggle |
The user opens or closes the <details> element |
onwheel |
The mouse wheel rolls up or down over an element |
ontouchcancel |
Screen touch is interrupted |
ontouchend |
User finger is removed from a touch screen |
ontouchmove |
A finger is dragged across the screen |
ontouchstart |
Finger is placed on touch screen |
try |
Lets you define a block of code to test for errors |
catch |
Set up a block of code to execute in case of an error |
throw |
Create custom error messages instead of the standard JavaScript errors |
finally |
Lets you execute code, after try and catch, regardless of the result |
name |
Sets or returns the error name |
message |
Sets or returns an error message in string from |
EvalError |
An error has occurred in the eval() function |
RangeError |
A number is “out of range” |
ReferenceError |
An illegal reference has occurred |
SyntaxError |
A syntax error has occurred |
TypeError |
A type error has occurred |
URIError |
An encodeURI() error has occurred |
Window Properties
closed |
Checks whether a window has been closed or not and returns true or false |
defaultStatus |
Sets or returns the default text in the status bar of a window |
document |
Returns the document object for the window |
frames |
Returns all <iframe> elements in the current window |
history |
Provides the History object for the window |
innerHeight |
The inner height of a window’s content area |
innerWidth |
The inner width of the content area |
length |
Find out the number of <iframe> elements in the window |
location |
Returns the location object for the window |
name |
Sets or returns the name of a window |
navigator |
Returns the Navigator object for the window |
opener |
Returns a reference to the window that created the window |
outerHeight |
The outer height of a window, including toolbars/ scrollbars |
outerWidth |
The outer width of a window, including toolbars/ scrollbars |
pageXOffset |
Number of pixels the current document has been scrolled horizontally |
pageYOffset |
Number of pixels the document has been scrolled vertically |
parent |
The parent window of the current window |
screen |
Returns the Screen object for the window |
screenLeft |
The horizontal coordinate of the window (relative to the screen) |
screenTop |
The vertical coordinate of the window |
screenX |
Same as screenLeft but needed for some browsers |
screenY |
Same as screenTop but needed for some browsers |
self |
Returns the current window |
status |
Sets or returns the text in the status bar of a window |
top |
Returns the topmost browser window |
alert() |
Displays an alert box with a message and an OK button |
blur() |
Removes focus from the current window |
clearInterval() |
Clears a timer set with setInterval() |
clearTimeout() |
Clears a timer set with setTimeout() |
close() |
Closes the current window |
confirm() |
Displays a dialogue box with a message and an OK and Cancel button |
focus() |
Sets focus to the current window |
moveBy() |
Moves a window relative to its current position |
moveTo() |
Moves a window to a specified position |
open() |
Opens a new browser window |
print() |
Prints the content of the current window |
prompt() |
Displays a dialogue box that prompts the visitor for input |
resizeBy() |
Resizes the window by the specified number of pixels |
resizeTo() |
Resizes the window to a specified width and height |
scrollBy() |
Scrolls the document by a specified number of pixels |
scrollTo() |
Scrolls the document to specific coordinates |
setInterval() |
Calls a function or evaluates an expression at specified intervals |
setTimeout() |
Calls a function or evaluates an expression after a specified interval |
stop() |
Stops the window from loading |
availHeight |
Returns the height of the screen (excluding the Windows Taskbar) |
availWidth |
Returns the width of the screen (excluding the Windows Taskbar) |
colorDepth |
Returns the bit depth of the color palette for displaying images |
height |
The total height of the screen |
pixelDepth |
The color resolution of the screen in bits per pixel |
width |
The total width of the screen |
Access this complete list in our downloadable reference chart.
How to Identify JavaScript Issues
JavaScript errors are common, and you should address them as soon as you can. Even if there are no coding errors, there may be issues with your JavaScript that cause slow page load times, such as unminifed JavaScript.
You can identify these issues by performing an audit of your site. Third-party tools like the Site Audit tool can identify issues like unminified JavaScript and site speed so that you can work on fixing them.
To use the Site Audit tool, you’ll need to create a project for your domain. If you already have a project created for your domain, read further to learn how to configure and run the tool.
Start by logging into your Semrush account. If you don’t have an existing account, you can create a free account. Just remember that the Site Audit provides limited functionality for Free Accounts.
Once you’re in, select “Dashboard” under “Management” to be taken to your project dashboard:

If you already have a project set up for your domain, you’ll see your project dashboard. Select the “Site Audit” card at the top of the page:

Once the tool is open, you’ll need to configure the audit’s settings, including the crawl scope, any website restrictions, and more. Once you’re happy with the settings, select “Start Site Audit:”

Once the audit is completed, you can navigate to the Site Audit’s dashboard for a complete overview of your audit. Navigate to the Issues tab for a list of site issues.

From there, you can filter the issues for any related to unminified JavaScript:

Although search engines are not able to render and see JavaScript elements, fixing JS-related issues like page speed can help you perform better in search engine rankings.
Final Thoughts
JavaScript is an important coding language that can help you transform the feel and function of your web pages. More importantly, good JavaScript code can help your website’s rankings by maintaining or improving page load speed.
Use our cheat sheet above to keep track of the most common JavaScript commands, and try third-party tools like the Site Audit to stay on top of your Javascript code when necessary.