Bing is no longer the inferior counterpart to Google and Yahoo. Over time, Microsoft’s search engine has grown in importance and has gained a significant part of the market share for search. Marketers who want to achieve online success need to equip themselves with the right tools to use Bing. Its competitor keyword tool, AdWords is by far the most popular keyword tool available to marketers. Hence, not many people are familiar with the best ways in which they can use the Bing keyword tool.
Using the Bing keywords tool enables you to perform a number of different functions. These include:
- Discovering the best keywords you can use on Bing
- Organizing the keywords by cost, relevance, type, etc
- Designing a PPC or SEO campaign using the keywords you discovered
Even if you haven’t used the Bing SEO tools before, you will find that they are not dissimilar to the ones available on Google. You can use Semrush as a Bing keyword research tool to accentuate your efforts. Using multiple resources is a great idea as it ensures you don’t miss out on any keywords and also have a platform for organizing them in the most effective way. Still, there are some marketers apprehensive about using Bing keyword tools to improve their ranking on Bing.
Tools for PPC and SEO
Bing provides great tools you can use for discovering the best keywords to use for PPC and SEO. As mentioned above, you can find and organize the keywords to use on Bing and then apply them to your campaigns. That is not the only way in the Bing keyword tools work for SEO and PPC.
- Analyze which keywords are driving the highest conversions to manage your budget
- Find the negative keywords and exclude them from your campaigns
- Create image and text-based ads using the keywords, for PPC and SEO
- Look up the keywords your competitors are using
- Create keyword-rich content for optimizing your campaigns on Bing
As you can see, the Bing keyword tools not only help you find the best keywords but also take the necessary steps to optimize the campaign through content and ad creation.
Why Optimizing Your Campaigns on Bing is Important
As mentioned before, the market share for Bing has grown exponentially over the years. Yet, this is not the only reason why you need to think about optimizing your landing page and SEO & PPC campaigns on Bing. Here are a few other reasons why any apprehension you have is misplaced.
The Competition Is Lower
Almost every marketer in the world uses Google. This is why buying keywords on Google proves to be so expensive. The competition is not as intense on Bing because most marketers haven’t yet realized the potential of this search engine. You can get keywords cheaply and get to the top quickly because of the low competition.
Bing Has a Different Algorithm
Much is said about how effective Google’s algorithm is and the way it enables the search engine to filter out the best websites and rank them high. Bing’s algorithm is completely different from the one used by Google. If you are using the same tactics and techniques for optimizing your campaign on Bing as on Google, you may not get the results you are looking for.
People Can Use Different Keywords
It is quite possible that users of Bing are using different keywords to discover your business as compared to the ones on Google. This makes Bing keyword research all the more important for you. So, if your website is not optimized for those keywords, your ranking on Bing would suffer considerably.
Your Ranking May be Different
Last, but not the least, your website’s ranking on Bing might be completely different than that on Google. It could be either better or worse than that, but since the algorithms used by the two search engines are different, it is probable you don’t have the same ranking on both. This could mean that even if you show up on the first page in Google search results for your main keyword, you might not appear until the third or even fourth page on Bing.
These are the reasons why you need to seriously consider using the Bing keyword tool for optimizing your website on this search engine. Else, you might lose out on a considerable number of visitors and potential customers.
Highlights of the Bing Keyword Tool
Now that you know why it is important to optimize your website on Bing, let’s look at some of the pros of using the Bing keywords tool.
- Right off the bat, Bing offers marketers access to six months of search data. You can use the filters provided to look for information and statistics related to the keywords associated with your campaign.
- The Bing keyword research you carry out is based on the organic searches which have been done over the past few months. This means you only use authentic and reliable data for discovering the best keywords to use.
- Bing also provides you accurate and to the point data. The numbers aren’t made up or rounded off to enhance their important. Rather, the tool provides you the real numbers you can use.
- There are several filters you can use for making the information more relevant to your campaign and website. You can choose the countries which you are interested in or perform a global search. You can also choose one or several languages using the Language filter.
- The 25 latest searches performed are saved for future reference. You can easily access them should you need to.
- The Bing keyword research you perform can be exported to a .CSV file to make it easier for you to view and organize the information.
These are some of the highlights of the Bing keyword tools you can use to discover the best keywords for your campaign and website on Bing. Though underrated, Bing’s tools for finding keywords are equally competent to AdWords and other competitor keyword tool. There are no restrictions. All you need is a Microsoft account to sign up for the tool and use it. Use it in combination with Semrush to enhance your results. Getting to the top on Bing might prove to be easier than on Google.